教会介绍 About


Worshipping bilingually in Mandarin Chinese and English, we devote ourselves to presenting God in His fullness, admonishing one another in love, and teaching in wisdom so that everyone may be presented perfect in Christ. Worship in song includes Romanized pinyin script to assist those unable to read traditional Chinese script.

圣餐 Holy Communion


Holy Communion is held every first Sunday of the month for all who have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior and have been baptized.

洗礼 Baptism


Baptism by immersion to all who have trusted Jesus Christ as personal Savior and desire to testify publicly of their faith in Him are held twice a year (e.g. on Easter Sunday and Thanksgiving Sunday).

音乐事工 Music


Our music ministry includes multi-language adult choirs (Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese, and English).

录音设备 Audio Recording


Technology includes an audio recording of each Sunday service that is available through the church library and a PowerPoint presentation of the service that is available upon request.

下載講道錄音訂購的申請表 Download Sermon CD order form

宣教 Missions


  • 基督使者协会
  • 少数民族归主协会
  • 海外校园杂志

We are currently partnering with seven missionaries in various ministries in Asia in addition to the following mission organizations:

  • Ambassadors for Christ (Paradise, PA)
  • Minorities For Christ International
  • Overseas Campus Magazine

教育 Education



青少年主日学主要用英文,为12-18岁的孩子预备。儿童主日学为5至12岁的儿童预备。, 二者都主要以英语授课。儿童和青少年主日学的学生均参与成人主日崇拜诗歌敬拜部份,牧祷后到教室一同上课。

One of the purposes of the existence of CBCL is to lead each member of the congregation to spiritual maturity and to strengthen their Christian life through solid instruction from the Scripture.

Chinese Adult Sunday School is conducted mainly in Mandarin Chinese. Attendees learn topical studies and in-depth Bible study.

Youth Sunday School (ages 10-18) is conducted mainly in English. Students join the worship time in adult Sunday services and then go to the class after pastoral prayer.

Children’s Sunday School (ages 5-9) is conducted mainly in English. Students join the worship time in adult Sunday services and then go to the class after pastoral prayer.

Childcare for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers is available.

賜慧中文學校提供幼兒 儿童至成人的普通話課程。詳情請參考以下網頁。
Cihui Chinese School offers Mandarin Chinese language classes for toddlers through adults. Learn more

查經小組聚會 Small Groups


约克 York 每周六 Every Saturday 7:00pm
兰城 Lancaster 每隔一周周五 Biweekly Friday 7:30pm
广东话团契 Cantonese Fellowship 每月一次周日下午 Monthly on Sunday 2:30pm
英语话团契 English Fellowship 每隔一周周六 Biweekly Saturday 4:00pm
夫妇团契 Couple Fellowship 每隔一周周六 Biweekly Saturday 6:45pm
跨文化夫妇团契 Cross-Cultural Couple Fellowship 每月一次周六 Monthly on Saturday 6:00pm
青年团契 Youth Fellowship 每月一次 Monthly
大学团契 College Fellowship 每周六 Every Saturday 7:30pm


CBCL 30-Year History Video

30th Anniversary celebration video: