教会宪章和法规 Constitution & Bylaws

Constitution and Bylaws of Chinese Bible Church of Lancaster

View in English

第一条 名称

本教会定名为「兰城华人圣经教会」,( Chinese Bible Church of Lancaster ) 在下文中将只简称为「本教会」◦ 本教会是 在1985年由门诺会兰城区会乐园教区的协助而成立,我们为此感谢神及该会 ◦

第二条 目的

第一项:传福音给未得救的人,领他们归回基督,加入教会 ◦ (太 28:18-20)

第二项:促进教会每一会友灵性上的成熟,通过敬拜、教导、分辨、交通、互助、弟兄般的劝导、传福音、孩童的教育等管道来进一步坚固基督徒的生活 ◦ (弗4:4-7,11-16 )

第三项:作为祂的仆人,我们将藉帮助我们当中有缺乏的弟兄姊妹,来表达 神的爱和关怀(加6:10)◦

第四项:本教会存在的目的在于荣耀基督◦(弗4:4-7; 11-18)

第五项:本宪章中的第二条不能修改 ◦

第三条 教义条文

第一项:我们相信整本圣经的原文都是神所默示,完全无误,因而它是我们信仰和行为的最高准则(提后3:16-17, 彼后1:21)◦

第二项:我们相信 神是一位永活的真神,从永远到永远祂有三个位格,即圣父、圣子、圣灵(申6:4, 太28:19, 林后13:14)◦

第三项:我们相信主耶稣基督是完全的 神,完全的人◦ 祂同时具有神性和人性,这两者彼此间并无混淆◦ 祂没有犯罪 ◦ 祂由童女所生,代替人受死; 祂的血使罪得赦免◦祂死后身体复活并升天◦ 祂现在具有大祭司的身份,将来祂要回到这个世界来接已属祂的人(约1:1,2,14; 路1:35; 罗3:24-25; 弗1:7; 来 7:25; 启19:11-16)◦

第四项:我们相信圣灵具有完全的神性;祂使人为罪、为义、为审判自己责备自己。祂使信徒获得重生,使众信徒受洗成为基督的身体;祂住在信徒裹面,给他们印记直到蒙拯救的那日◦ 祂负责安慰、教导人的工作 (约16:8-11; 林前12:12-14; 罗 8:9; 弗 1:12 -14; 林前 2:13 ) ◦

第五项:我们相信 神是照祂的形像造人,但因亚当犯罪,整个人类堕落,承受了犯罪的本性与神隔离◦ 人已完全堕落,自己无法改变失落的状况 (创1:26-27; 罗3:22-23; 5:12; 弗1:1-3,12)

第六项:我们相信罪人的得救完全是靠着神的恩典,因他个人相信主耶稣基督而获得的。人们一旦蒙恩得拯救后就蒙 神能力的保守,在基督里面有永远的保障 (弗 2:8; 约 6 :37-40; 彼前 1:5)。

第四条 会籍

第一项:会众是由相信耶稣基督、顺服圣经教训的人所组成的。他们同意教会的教义条文,并毫无保留地签名同意。他们必须由执事会推荐,并由会众们所接受 (参见第六条)。他们因信而受洗加入教会,或是通过其它教会的推荐信。




第五项:议长可以临时召开本教会特别的事务会议,议长本身也是执事会主席。特别事务会议也可以由百分之五十的会友通过书面提议(人数至少要十个人 ),讲明需要召开此会议的目的即可。

第五条 本教会的职位和任命条例




第四项:牧师与教会彼此在期满约六个月前要互相通知牧师是否连任。此通知也该同时向众会友宣读 。


第六项:执事候选人是由执事会提名,由牧师或长老会通过而决定。执事是由众会友在每年一度的教会事务会议上多数投票决定的,任期为两年。执事会将由执事中推选出一位来做主席,一位副主席,一位财务,一位文书。这些选举是紧接着新执事会的选举。该主席也将同时是教会的议长。执事可连任三期,但之后必须停一年后才可继续被选为执事。执事要参加所有的执事会议(可以因故缺席三次 )。所有的决议是由执事会三分之二的多数来决定。





第六条 执事会的作用

第一项 主席:召集、主持每月一度的执事会议,负责召集每年一度的教会事务会议。

第二项 副主席:协助主席,在主席不在的情况下担任其职务。

第三项  书记: 负责执事会的记录,和主席一起在官方文件上签名 ,将会议记录分发给每位执事和有关的人。

第四项 财务:安排至少两位执事或教会会员点算每礼拜的奉献的金额。在每次执事会上作财务报告,并作每年一度的财务报告,及负责教会所有的财务记录。

第五项 其它执事:分担执事会的负担。

第七条 教会方针



我们相信行神迹的能力乃是神给予初代教会使徒的恩赐,为要更坚定使徒所传信息的真实性(希2:3-4, 林后12:12),其对未信者来说是一个指标(林前14:22)。我们并且相信神,在祂的主权之下,今日祂仍然施行神迹。


第八条 修正


第九条 解散



Constitution and Bylaws of Chinese Bible Church of Lancaster


The name of this Christian congregation shall be the Chinese Bible Church of Lancaster; hereafter in this Constitution referred to as “the Church”.

This congregation was initially established with the assistance of the Paradise district of the Lancaster Conference of the Mennonite Church in 1985. We, therefore, are grateful to God and to them.


SECTION 1. To bring the Gospel to the unsaved, and to lead them to faith in Christ, and to membership in the Church (Matthew 28:18-20).

SECTION 2. To lead each member of the congregation to spiritual maturity and to strengthen their Christian life through providing opportunities for worship, instruction, spiritual discernment, fellowship, mutual aid, brotherly counsel, through evangelism and the nurturing of children (Ephesians 4:4-7,11-16).

SECTION 3. To express God’s love and concern as His servants, and by sharing with those who are in need within the community (Galatians 6:10).

SECTION 4. To exist for the honor and glory of Christ (Ephesians 4:4-7, 11-18).

SECTION 5. This article is not subject to amendment.


SECTION 1. We believe that the Bible is the complete and verbally inspired Word of God and without error in its original manuscripts, and therefore, the supreme standard for faith and conduct (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:21).

SECTION 2. We believe in one, living, eternal, and true God, existing eternally in three persons as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Deuteronomy 6:4; Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14).

SECTION 3. We believe in the absolute deity and perfect humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ; that He had two natures, divine and human united in one person without mixture or confusion and He did not sin; His virgin birth and vicarious death through the shedding of His blood for the forgiveness of sins; His bodily resurrection and ascension; His present High priestly ministry; and in His coming again for His redeemed ones (John 1:1, 2, 14; Luke 1:35, Romans 3:24-25; Ephesians 1:7; Hebrews 7:25; Revelation 19:11-16).

SECTION 4. We believe in the absolute deity of the Holy Spirit; that He is a person who convicts the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment. To the believer He is the agent in regeneration, baptizing all believers into the body of Christ, indwelling and sealing them unto the day of redemption; and that He exercises a ministry of comfort and teaching (John 16:8-11; 1 Corinthians 12:12-14; Romans 8:9; Ephesians 1:12-14; 1 Corinthians 2:13).

SECTION 5. We believe that man was created in the image and likeness of God, but in Adam’s sin the race fell, inherited a sinful nature, became alienated from God, and that man is totally depraved, and of himself, utterly unable to redeem his lost condition (Genesis 1:26-27; Romans 3:22-23, 5:12; Ephesians 1:1-3, 12).

SECTION 6. We believe that the salvation of the sinner is wholly of grace through personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and that all the redeemed once saved are kept by God’s power and are secure in Christ forever (Ephesians 2: 8 John 6:37-40; 1 Peter 1:5).


SECTION 1. The membership of this congregation shall consist of persons who profess faith in Jesus Christ and obedience to the Scriptures, who have concurred with and signed the church’s doctrinal statement without any mental reservation, who have been approved by the congregation upon the recommendation of the Board of Deacons (See ARTICLE VI), and who have been received into the fellowship of the congregation by believer’s baptism, upon confession of faith, or by church letter.

SECTION 2. Every person who is a member of the Chinese Bible Church of Lancaster is entitled to and encouraged to participate in all the activities of the church, is eligible to vote on all questions brought before the church and to share in congregational discussions. In certain elections, the right to vote may be limited to those members eighteen years or older.

SECTION 3. Membership may be terminated: 1) By dismissal. When a member requests for a letter of recommendation to another church and is accepted as a member of that church, the member is considered dismissed from the Church. 2) By erasure. Any member who joins another church automatically forfeits membership in this church. Any member who, without good reason, has been absent from the Church and its services for a period of over one year will be subjected to erasure from the membership. 3) By excommunication. Any member who continues in flagrant sin, or who deviates from Scripture teaching as expressed in the church’s doctrinal statement, shall forfeit the privilege of membership.

SECTION 4. An annual business meeting of the Church shall be held every year, the first Sunday of November, at which time new officers of the church shall be elected to replace those whose term of office is expiring.

SECTION 5. Special business meetings of the Church may be called at any time by the moderator, who is the Chairman of the Board of Deacons, or upon a petition in writing of fifty percent of the voting members of the Church (but not fewer than ten persons), provided the request specifies the purpose for which the special meeting is desired.


SECTION 1. The officers of the Church could include the following: the pastor, associate pastor, assistant pastor, youth pastor, the Board of Deacons, and the Elders Committee.

SECTION 2. The pastor shall be in charge of the spiritual affairs of the Church. This includes the regular worship and preaching services, the administration of the ordinances, all special services other than business meetings, and the general oversight of the spiritual life of the Church.

SECTION 3. The pastor is appointed by the Board of Deacons and shall serve in this capacity until at the end of a five year term, or until such time as a two-thirds majority ascertained by secret ballot votes among the voting members present at a constitutionally called congregational meeting vote for his dismissal. A five years term is to be renewed by the unanimous vote of Board of Deacons. There shall be a one year probation for a new pastor.

SECTION 4. The pastor and the Church shall give each other a minimum of six months notice before the end of a term whether to renew another term of service. This notice shall be read to the congregation.

SECTION 5. The pastor shall be an ex-officio member, with voting power, of the Board of Deacons and of all committees. However, the pastor shall be precluded from serving as Chairman of the Board of Deacons.

SECTION 6. Candidates to be deacons are proposed by the deacon board and approved by the elders committee (if there is one). The Deacons are elected by the Church members at the annual business meeting by majority vote of members present, for a term of two years. The Board of Deacons shall elect from their own members a Chairman, a Vice Chairman, a Treasurer and a Secretary, immediately following the election of new Board members. The Chairman shall serve as moderator of the Church. A Deacon can be elected for three terms and then has to rest for one year before being re-elected. Deacons shall attend all deacon’s meetings, however, each Deacon can be absent from these meetings for a maximum of three times per year with justifiable excuses. Decisions shall be a result of a two-thirds majority vote of deacons.

SECTION 7. The Board of Deacons shall create committees as are necessary to improve the worship, evangelism, missionary work, and the educational program of the Church.

SECTION 8. Elders Committee candidates are to be selected by the pastor. Then the candidates may be proposed by the Deacon Board and confirmed by a two-thirds majority vote of the Church members.

SECTION 9. The Elders Committee is in charge of the planning and execution of spiritual activities. The pastor is the Chairman of the Committee.

SECTION 10. The Elders Committee must act within the doctrinal statement. The Deacons Committee has no power to veto decisions made by the Elders.


SECTION 1. Chairman: Calls and officiates monthly deacon’s meeting, and calls annual congregational business meeting.

SECTION 2. Vice Chairman: Assists Chairman, takes up the responsibility of Chairman in his absence.

SECTION 3. Secretary: Keeps records of deacon’s meeting, signs official letters with Chairman, sends minutes to all deacons and related parties.

SECTION 4. Treasurer: Arranges at least two deacons or church members to count weekly offering, gives financial report at each deacon’s’ meeting, provides annual financial statement, and keeps all Church related financial records.

SECTION 5. All other Deacons: Share burden of Board of Deacons.


SECTION 1. The pastor may invite an outside speaker with the concurrence of the Chairman of Deacons a maximum of once per month except in special cases. The invited outside speaker must agree with the Church’s confession of faith.

SECTION 2. We believe that the miraculous gifts of divine revelation and healing were temporarily given to the early church apostles.

We believe the miraculous gifts were given primarily for the apostolic age for the purpose of confirming the authenticity of the apostles’ message (Hebrews 2:3-4; 2 Corinthians 12:12), and as a sign to unbelievers (1 Corinthians 14:22). We also believe that God, in His sovereignty, performs miracles today.

Because not all believers and biblical scholars agree regarding the biblical nature of spiritual gifts, and because our desire is to strive for harmony and unity within the Chinese Bible Church of Lancaster, tongues may not be used in any of the Chinese Bible Church of Lancaster services and ministries (Ephesians 4:1-6).


All articles, with the exception of Article II, of this Constitution may be amended or revised by a two-thirds majority vote of the voting members present at a constitutionally called business meeting, provided that a copy of such proposed amendments or revisions has been given to each voting member of the Church and posted in a prominent place in the Church edifice at least two weeks prior to the meeting,

ARTCLE IX : Dissolution

In the event of dissolution of this organization, all unencumbered properties and finances shall be given to non-profit religious corporations of like faith and practice that are in agreement with the letter and spirit of this constitution. All such decisions regarding this matter would be made by the majority vote of the remaining members of this corporation prior to final dissolution.